As we live, everybody needs to have a job. Take a look at Job Fair at your campus, it must be damn
crowded with hundreds or even thousands job-seeker especially fresh graduate
people. Yeah, I guess we do agree that having a job is kind of important thing
to make a live. Do they know what they looking for, actually?. Having a
job can be aimed either to fulfill daily needs or help somebody else
(Volunteer). Everybody does have a reason to choose which job to do. In having
a job, we should have our expectation and target that we should achieve a month
later, a year, or even ten years later. As I see people have at least three
expectations in choosing and doing the job.
1. Fighting for Money
2. Loving The Job
Another reason is Love or Passion. This reason is suitable for social worker(s). In this reason, the worker(s) doing a job for passion not for money anymore. Take a look at this guy, Masdar Fahmi (25); one of volunteer teacher who wants to leave the job to be a teacher at remote area around Indonesia. He was ready to go to the remote area with other contingents. On this case, the worker do not think about money they gain, the don't dream to have a fancy house, jewelery, damn expensive car. They think about what to give to people around. Sometimes they go to somewhere far away to reach the job that they love, the job that they think can be the place for them to share knowledge, thought, inspiration. For sure, the place that they think can make them more valuable for the people around. At this case Masdar Fahmi going to somewhere far to be a teacher, because he does think this place badly need him to teach. For sure, this is might be hard to to find a people who are willing to go to this place just be a teacher. As we see that this place or this institution does not offer much money for the salary, It is all about humanity, love, willingness, voluntary, and sharing. It might be there will be a few people to take this reason to get a job. This reason is more valuable. Personally, I do respect the people who choose this kind of job. However, the greatest idea at these two reasons above, They need to combined. One time you got wealth, please donate! That's the one thing to keep life harmony.
3. Working for Prestige
This one you can see how vary people think about life. Might be this one is little bit about money and passion as well. As we life together, people do have assumption each other. Then, people who really aware about this, For sure they will choose a job that affect people thought for himself. No matter the money that they gain, no matter the passion they carry for this job. Many people do judge the book by it's cover. I ever found people who eager to get a job where the workers suit properly such as; Shirt, tie, shining shoes, coat. No matter what job it is. Here, we can see that this kind of people do the job for the people thought around. Personally, I think this one is not fair, this one is kind of fake job. Anyway, people vary in thought.
As the conclusion, people do have their own reason to do the job. No one right, No one wrong. It depend on your thought and condition. The underlined thing is we do need to do the job as the best we can do.
As the conclusion, people do have their own reason to do the job. No one right, No one wrong. It depend on your thought and condition. The underlined thing is we do need to do the job as the best we can do.
Inspired by the evening coffee break conversation at roof- top near University