Huge Dedication just worth with Lullaby

Low salary for teacher has faced so many problems in economic side; any price in market has risen up. It forces them to find another side job to fulfill their daily need with limited salary. Teacher usually borrows some money from the Bank to fulfill their need, and their salary will be cut of for Bank bill on the following months. Prof. Dr. Dedi Supriadi; book editor, state that teacher has been lullaby by the government by singing them “Himne Guru” which assume that they are “heroes without any honours” (pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa).

In 1960s era, it is very reasonable thing that teachers are highly respected figure, because they are assumed as a non-materialistic, but in this era of globalization, 1960s indicators value indicator is no longer relevant. This is in line with the four items recommended by Prof. Dr. Sutjipto, in Indonesia Education Conference. They gave four recommendations related to teachers’ prosperity and also improving education side in this country.

First: government needs to increase teachers’ salary in order to achieve a reasonable standard of living for teachers and families at least twice than current salary. Second: to prove government sincerity in the increasing teachers’ salary as certain efforts. Third: Improving the welfare of teachers conducted by the central government must be followed by participation of local governments, communities, businesses, and parents as well. Forth: after increasing teachers’ salary, it needs restructuring incentive system for teacher in providing functional benefits as the achievements of teachers in performing their tasks.

Critical Reflection
Nowadays education is an important thing in our life because it seems like our precious infestation for the future, So that we need high quality education system to achieve the infestation that we want. The thing that closely related to this case is “teacher”; we need to have a good teacher, it needs high consideration to get good teachers.

I agree with the opinion written in the article to increase teachers’ salary, because I think “salary” is also some factor which decides whether good or not that labor is. In this case if we paid the higher salary for teachers, it will also motivate them in doing their job. Take a look at the low paid teachers, commonly it will not motivate them at all, they will only do their job only as a requirement for getting money; they will do it “asal-asalan”( asal dapat uang) they do not really care about the result or the output. They will think what they are doing is priceless (they think that they are not respected by only get low-paid salary for what they do), ironically they will thing “for what I do my best if I only get a low paid salary for what I did?”

Moreover after they get stuck, they will try to find another side job. This sometime could break their concentration in doing their primary job as a teacher. They will think more in “how” to fulfill their need in low-paid salary rather than “how” to educate Indonesian well.
Just imagine if they are get high-paid salary and live in prosperity, they are will highly motivated. They will think no other thing than just educate the students. There is no other thought which is always haunting their life in fulfilling their needs, because the salary is enough to fulfill their need.

I think government does not appreciate teachers’ huge dedication by only giving them low-paid salary. It seems like “Eager to get high-quality product with only provide just a little money to buy, while you are shopping”; how do you assume that case? Only a little chance to get it come true I think.

The “lullaby” song Hymne Guru; just something irony for teacher I think. I think it is relevant for tens years ago, while we are still in colonization, everybody works even die without expecting anything to get back; what they want is only independence. Nowadays it is out of dated issue, everybody works for money even money is a “King” that could “Buy” everything.

Taken from Critical Pedagogy and Literacy Project

2 komentar:

  1. mata kuliah ini menuntut mahasiswa untuk berpikir secara kritis terhadap suatu fenomena pendidikan maupun isu lain.

  2. well :D somehow it seems so familiar
