Good Feedback Enhance Learning Motivation

Nowadays, English plays an important role. Everybody should be able to use it orally and in written form; to answer requirements of globalization era. English becomes the main lesson, which has to be learned. English is not easy to learn and it does not only take a short time to master. According to Irons (2008: 35); “In order to learn effectively students need to be motivated to learn”. Every student must face some difficulties in learning English; what they need is motivation. According to Irons (2008) teacher has to provide appropriate feedback to have significant impact on motivating students both intrinsic (wanting to learn) and extrinsic (needing to learn), because motivating students is “good starting points” in learning English as a second language Brown, S (1998). In providing a good feedback, teacher needs to consider the clarity of feedback, especially how we indicate the ways in which students can improve and develop for the future (feed forward) so that the students get the point what actually teacher say and get the positive impact of feedback; Irons (2008:65).
So far many teachers still do not consider the students’ feeling in providing feedback such as saying the words “stupid” for student who makes some mistakes. However it can offend student’s feeling. Irons (2008) assumes this kind of feedback as “wrong way” feedback; therefore it will offend the students and discourage them in learning. However Kellough (1999) adds that students in the middle age while they are in the junior high school (12-15 years old) have certain psychological characteristic, they are sensitive to criticism; therefore they will easily get offended. Supported by Brown et al (1997); Feedback are one of the “better tested principles in psychology”. Therefore, teacher must be aware toward “When to push and when to stop” students’ performance; Hedge (2003). However, Littlewood (2006: 93) conclude that teacher must subordinate behavior to the learning needs of students. In teaching- learning, students’ errors must be corrected, Cathcart and Olsen (1976) conducted a survey of 149 learners have preference for correction of all errors that they made, however the students feel irritated when the teacher correct the errors intensively. Thus, in providing feedback teacher should considers “When to push and when to stop” students’ performance; Hedge (2003). Since feedback is considered as a key to enhance students’ motivation (Irons: 2008), thus teacher’s positive feedback is the most useful way to enhance students’ learning motivation, because it is enjoyable, increases students’ acquisition in understanding the materials, and brings students’ positive impression toward English (English is easy and fun).
Teacher’s positive feedback creates enjoyable atmosphere while learning in classroom. Providing feedback toward students’ performance is one of the important aspects of teaching to increase students’ motivation in learning and build a supportive classroom situation, thus it will promote students to have more participation in every classroom activity (Irons: 2008), moreover Chaudron (1988:132) add that Feedback from teacher as a correction is a kind of interaction between students-students and/ or teacher-students. Thus, when all of the participants build an excellent interaction, it means the classroom atmosphere become warm and more enjoyable for students to learn. In enjoyable atmosphere classroom students will feel happy while they are learning, so they will not judge learning in the classroom as the heavy duty to do but they are enjoying studying in the classroom; as Tsui (1995: 43) state that learning in classroom should be in warm situation.
Thus, students will not be afraid to make some mistake in an enjoyable classroom atmosphere. They will feel secure and they will try to practice more without being afraid to make some mistake. Moreover Harmer (2001) found that mistake can be divided into three broad categories: Slips; are mistakes which students can correct by themselves after the mistake has been pointed to them. Errors; that are mistakes which they can not correct by themselves, therefore students need some explanation from teacher. Attempts refer to mistakes when students try to express something but they do not know yet how the correct way to say. Since, the students are not afraid anymore, they tend to actively participate in every classroom activity. Krashen (1982) also argue that making some errors is one of the important ways in acquiring English as a second language for students. Cathcart and Olsen (1976) add that students’ errors must be corrected. Moreover Hedge (2003) states that teacher must consider the effectiveness of providing feedback and knowing “When to push and when to stop” in order to avoid offending students’ feeling. Here, teacher does not need to give some punishment toward incorrect students’ performance; otherwise it will diminish the enjoyable classroom situation to learn. However, Hedge (2003: 290) mentions six strategies for student error correction:
  1. The teacher frowns and says “No, you don’t say that. What do you say? Can anybody help Juan?”
  2. The teacher repeats a sentence the students has just said, with raising intonation up to the point of the mistake, and just wait for the students self- correction.
  3. The teacher repeats and stresses the question after the students give wrong answer from the given question. For example: the student uses presents-tense answer to past tense question from the teacher
  4. The teacher asks the class for an accurate version, then repeats it, asks the class to repeat together and individually and finally returns to the original student who has made the mistake.
  5. The teacher looks confused and request clarification by asking “What did you say?” , which the student recognize as an error indication then the teacher just wait for the student self- correction.
  6. The teacher moves his or her hand to indicate error, gives the correct version and asks the student to repeat it.
Khrasen (1982) points out that student must be favorable disposed toward language learning before language acquisition take place. So the students will learn by making some mistake and recognize their fault and “Do not fall at the same hole” latter on. The students are not afraid to teacher to be angry if they provide incorrect performance or wrong answer of the exercise. Feedback is also useful to motivate students to express their idea. Idea seems like different point of few or thought toward particular problems. The idea should be expressed. Hence, it is the teacher jobs to enhance students’ motivation by providing feedback such as; praising. Thus students will feel secure to express their idea or thought because according to Kellough (1999) students in the middle age (12-15 years old) have certain psychological characteristic, they are sensitive to criticism; therefore they will easily get offended. Supported by Brown et al (1997); Feedback are one of the “better tested principles in psychology”. Therefore teacher have to consider those students’ psychological characteristic in providing feedback because it is also another important teacher job to deal with those students’ certain psychological characteristic in order to develop warm classroom situation for students to learn.
When teacher provide feedback it is also kind interaction in classroom. Moreover Chaudron (1988:132) add that Feedback from teacher as a correction is a kind of interaction between students-students and/ or teacher-students. Tsui (1995:43) found that teacher who values every contribution and provides encouraging feedback is much easier to get students’ motivation to learn and to participate in classroom activities, and it really help to create a warm classroom atmosphere in learning-teaching process. While having every kind of interaction between students-students and/ or teacher-students, it is a good time to build a friendly atmosphere among students-students and/ or teacher-students. Therefore, it will absolutely accelerate classroom situation to be more alive.
Teacher’s positive feedback increase students’ acquisition from what they get in classroom. English Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom is the right place for students to acquire English. Teacher has the central role in process of acquiring the materials for students. In this case what students need to get easier to understand are the material and/ or any information from teacher related to the materials and also error correction for students’ performance is also the important part to support students in acquiring what teacher explained. In this case Irons, 2008 found that feedback is any information; process or activity with affords or accelerate students learning based on comments relating to assessment or activity. Reid: 1993stated that feedback is everything which comes from teacher to respond students’ action as an initiator which consists of information for error revision or praises to encourage or enhance students learning. That is why feedback should be done in a “Good Way” (Irons: 2008). Moreover, Tsui: 1995 points out feedback is when the teachers make evaluations of and give comments on student’s performance. Hence, feedback carries information about how successful the learner has been. Consequently students will understand the lesson more and get easier to acquire. Let us assume, for example, a student produces the utterance “Where you went last night?” he may be informed by the teacher or by the correct version in a tapped drill that the correct form is “Where did you go last night?”
After the students understand the materials I believe that it will easier for them to acquire the material from every activity and exercise. It seems like the students wants to draw out what they get. It is also good to recognize what students have got. It is also appropriate time to recognize students’ error and provide feedback to correct in a “Good Way” (Irons: 2008). In language classroom, feedback is often provided toward the accuracy of what students performed. Hence, in providing feedback to correct students’ error, teacher should be aware about (1) whether students’ error should be corrected, (2) Which kind of error should be corrected, (3) How students’ error should be corrected; Richard (2005: 189). A variety in giving feedback to correct students’ error is available on Form:
  • Teacher asks the students to repeat what the teacher has said.
  • Teacher points out the errors and ask the student to self-correct.
  • Teacher comments on an error and explain why it is wrong, without having the students repeat the correct form.
  • Teacher asks other students to correct the error.
  • Teacher uses a gesture to indicate that an error has been made.
By recognizing their errors, students will increase their acquisition toward the explained material and be aware of which one is right and which one is wrong.
Teacher’s positive feedback brings students’ positive impression toward English. Teacher’s positive feedback is a good starting points; Brown, S (1998) to build up student’s positive impression toward the materials. By providing feedback for students in classroom activity will attract students to get more students’ attention. Therefore, students will think that learning English is fun and interesting to follow. Moreover, the students are not afraid to be blamed if they make some mistake. They feel free to express their idea and enthusiastic to involve in every classroom activity.
By teacher’s positive feedback such as; praising, error correction and elicitation in a “Good Way” without any punishment and/ or blame of being wrong, students will draw some image that English is easy to learn. Those are a good starting point (Irons: 2008) for students to go through in EFL classroom and assume that English is easy and fun to learn. On the other hand, traditionally Littlewood (2006: 93) still find that many students will prefer to keep a “low profile”, in the hope that they will not be called upon to participate openly, Littlewood argues that it is for the reason that students feel that English is hard to learn. Here, teacher should be responsible to provide feedback in an appropriate way in order to wipe out students feeling toward English lesson, and re- drawn that English lesson is easy and fun to learn.
Teacher has a central role in most of EFL classroom in our country. Therefore teacher should be nice and friendly to the students. Teacher’s positive feedback will make students being secured and being helped to learn English. These make students love the teacher. It is an excellent chance to build a good relationship in classroom. When teacher-students have a good relationship, it will be a good starting point to run the EFL classroom smoothly and enhance the students’ learning motivation.
At short, teacher’s job is not only merely conveying the materials to the students. Teacher must pay attention toward motivation as a key in learning process (Irons: 2008) and some other certain psychological characteristic. Teachers should contribute some feedback in a “Good Way” by considering the impact toward students’ motivation in language learning and also the right time to provide and consider “When to push and when to stop”. Encouraging feedback is the effective way to get students motivation and also arouses the students to participate more in every class activity; it is also good to generate warm relationship among students and students-teacher as well. It does not matter if the students make some mistakes in language learning, because student-mistake is the one source of language-learning in classroom (Krashen: 1982). Moreover Krashen points out students-mistake are the one favorable way in language learning before language acquisition take place.


Brown, S., Amstrong, S. and Thompson, G. (Eds) (1998) motivating students, London.
Cathcart, R and J. Olsen. 1976. Teacher and Students preferences for correction of classroom conversation errors. Washington, DC: TESOL.
Chaudron, C. 1988. Second Language Classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.
Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. China: Pearson education limited.
Hedge. Tricia. 2003. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. New York: Oxford University press 2000.
Irons, Alastar. 2008. Enhancing Learning through Formative Assessment and Feedback. London and New York: Routledge.
Krashen, S. 1982. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Tsui, A. 1995. Introducing Classroom Interaction: Penguin Group.
Littlewood, William. 2006. Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge: United kingdom at the University press.

Taken from Writing 5 project

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